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wine o. wednesday #65

First of all, let me apologize if you are tired of hearing about my book…I am just really, really excited about each step I take in the progress of getting Creative Chaos out and available in as many forms as possible. I spent the better part of the weekend formatting the book for print and sent it to my sister in law, Tiffany, yesterday morning and she surprised me last night with a copy of my book in print.

It’s like when I finished the cover design and couldn’t stop staring at it; I just want to flip through it and carry it around with me.  Confession, I have a copy in my purse!  There were a few very minor tweeks to be made, but we are on track to have it printed and ready the last week of March.  In fact, if you’re in the Dallas area, I’ll be having a “Book Release” on Tuesday, March 27th (details to follow).  In the mean time it’s available on the Kindle and the Nook.

Side note, if you have read Creative Chaos, can you dome a huge favor? I need reviews and ratings, if you could rate it on Amazon, Barnes & Noble or even Goodreads I would be SO grateful!

Okay, now back to the topic today is all about, wine!  I wanted a Pinot Noir and decided to try one I hadn’t had before. I’ve had Greg Norman‘s Cabernet Sauvignon but not his Pinot Noir.

I really enjoyed the Cab, the Pinot….was not one of my favorites.  His winery is in Santa Barbara County, which means Southern California and while I think that climate is better suited for Pinot Noirs than Northern California, I think I prefer Oregon and Washington state Pinot Noirs.

This one was just blah to me.  I like my Pinots a little more fruity and full of flavor.  This one had a little spice to it but not really fruity or light.  It was by no means bad, it’s just not a wine I’ll be running out to try again soon, but I would definitely not turn you down if you were to offer me a glass.

Kate O. Lynch

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