I have been such a slacker of an aunt over the last year. . .while I’m not really an aunt, that’s how I am know to my good friend Amanda’s three daughters. I adore all three of her girls, but have special bond with Ainsley. . .because when she was born, Amanda and Eric named her Ainsley Kate Wilson. . .
Ainsley just finished Kindergarten, so over the last year when I go to lunch with her mom just her sisters come, I think I can count on one hand the amount of times I’ve seen Ainsley over the last year.
So I made plans to pick her up Saturday morning and take her to see Up. I’d heard it was really good and thought it would be fun to take her. Normally when we hang out I’ll take her to Chuck’s because she loves that place. But, the Chuck’s by me is no more. . .I wasn’t quite sure where to take her so we went to Studio Movie Grill and ate while we watched the movie.
At her request, I took her to Yogurtville after the movie. She had a lot of fun filling up her cup all by herself with yogurt and toppings, and totally cracked me up with how much she piled in that cup.
We had a blast and definitely need to do it more often!
Yogurtville looks JUST like Menchie’s – same colors and everything. Crazy!