I don’t know about you, but I have never been a big fan of ABC’s “The Bachelor.” That is until, Matt Grant was the bachelor, he was the British guy incase you where lost. I always enjoy British people, especially their sense of humor so I thought I would give it a go.
Well during that season my friend Rebekah sent me the link for I Hate Green Beans. It is a blog by a girl named Lincee that is freakin’ hilarious. She is the reason I continued to watch the next season when DeAnna Pappas was trying to find true love. I was completely shocked when this prissy southern girl picked a professional ski boarder (by professional, I’m pretty sure these days he just teaches classes). She had her choice of entrepreneur, lawyer and any other profession and still picked a ski bum. Big surprise, the match didn’t work and they have already called things off.
However, tomorrow a new season starts and this time in keeping with ABC’s theme, the next Bachelor is one of DeAnna’s cast offs. I will be watching for the soul purpose of reading Lincee’s blog every Tuesday. Even if you aren’t a Bachelor fan, I think she could convert you with her hilarious recaps of each episode. . .basically she says what we are all thinking. . .enjoy!
thanks for turning me onto lincee! i love reading her recaps! i especially love the dialogue she has with the different characters as if they’re actually bright enough to have a clever conversation. 🙂