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Beer Cheese Soup Recipe

By Kate O. Lynch / January 7, 2014

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I LOVE SOUP! I’ve got a few regulars I fix throughout the winter but am always looking to venture out and […]

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Homemade Cream of Mushroom Soup

By Kate O. Lynch / May 21, 2013

A few weeks ago in my Greenling box of goodies I got mushrooms.  I am not a mushroom fan at all.  I try them every once in a while just […]

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Healthier Zuppa Toscana

By Kate O. Lynch / February 19, 2013

My friend Kandice over at Barque and Bite shared with me her recipe for a homemade knockoff version of Zuppa Toscana a few years back.  This soup is rich with […]

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Tomatillo Chicken Soup

By Kate O. Lynch / January 16, 2013

When it comes to tomatillos, my only experience with them is when a waiter brings me tomatillo sauce to dip chips in or it’s on top of the dish I’ve […]

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Iowa Girl Eats’ Cauliflower Chowder

By Kate O. Lynch / December 27, 2012

I made this Iowa Girl Eats Cauliflower Chowder a few weeks back and it is perfect for cold weather like we are currently having right now in Dallas.  This chowder […]

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Turkey Noodle Soup

By Kate O. Lynch / November 27, 2012

You’ve got left over turkey and you made your own turkey stock…now what do you do with it? This was my first year to make turkey stock, well or stock […]

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