Creative Chaos is now available for you to read on your Kindle!
At 1:56 am this morning I got an email from Amazon saying: “Congratulations, you’ve successfully published on the Kindle Store!” That was fast! It only took about 7 hours.
This morning I woke up at 7 am, because my sister “butt” dialed me twice. She of course was up to run the 10K on the Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge here in Dallas and I was of course still asleep. Once I figured out she didn’t really mean to call I immediately got on the internet and found this:
If you are interested in downloading Creative Chaos to your Kindle, you can click here.
Looks like I was off on the order the different formats would be released. The iBooks format is not available in the iBooks store yet, I have to get approved much like an app has to before they will sell it. So if you are looking for the iBooks form you can click here and buy it and order it. It will then be sent to your i-Device. The Nook version should be out the first of this next week.
My friend David Yates and the rest of the gang over at Ropewalkers worked so hard to help me get this released by Friday, I can’t even express how thankful I am. Today is David’s Birthday, so you know the least I could do was give him a break from working on my book. Especially since he’s going to let me be on his radio show today to talk about my book!
So…if you live in the Dallas area tune into 570 AM KLIF to listen!
Also if you missed it yesterday, check this article up on
Sorry I butt dialed you. :-/ Oopsies? Yah about your book!!!