You have once again frustrated me, and let me tell you why. . .
I have yet to understand why on Sunday afternoons when there is a football or baseball game you do not build into the schedule time for the game to run over and not affect TV that night. You already set the times that the games will begin. . .can you please for the sake of my DVR and my sanity please build in a buffer?
This is normally only a problem for me in the fall during football season during The Amazing Race, but since I have been talked into watching Big Brother this summer I experienced this frustration this week too and missed the last 10 minutes of Sunday’s episode.
I know in the grand scheme of things this isn’t really a big deal, but seriously why don’t they think about it. Everyone uses DVRs these days. But maybe that’s what I get for watching so much reality TV?
Speaking of which, I was very disappointed in the Bachelorette last night and her decision to send home Reid. In fact I’m not even sure I want to keep watching. . .I could really see her picking either Kypton on Ed but I’m going to guess in the end she picks Kypton, sorry Ed. . .you shouldn’t have been so disappointing during your alone time. . .though I’m still confused about that whole situation. (Be sure to check out Lincee’s blog for her recap.)
So long Reid, you will be missed!
Big Brother is interesting. I have never watched this show before and I’m thoroughly mystified by the behavior of the “house guests.” I know I would not last long in that house; there is too much game playing for me. I couldn’t be “on” like that all the time nor would I want to be filmed 24/7. Most of these characters are beyond annoying, and yes I realize it might be part of their “strategy” but it sure makes me hope they get voted off soon.
Too bad Tanner P. from the Bachelorette isn’t on this show, there’s a girl with a foot fetish. . .it could be a match made in reality TV heaven! Now that I have finished watching the first three episodes, I have decided I’m ready for Jesse, Casey, Chima and Laura to go. Those four are going to drive me nuts!
i had the same problem when i watched amazing race. i ended up dvring the show after amazing race too. that solved my problem. so annoying though!