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Good Christian Bitches

Good Christian Bitches CoverI have been working on reading Good Christian Bitches for the last few weeks and I’ve been a total slacker about reading.  I’ve barely made progress in this book; not because it’s a bad read or isn’t enjoyable.  I’ve been distracted working on Creative Chaos.  I was so slow in reading Good Christian Bitches that the TV show started before I could make much pogress.  My every intention was to put off watching GCB until I had finished the book but with all I read on Twitter and Facebook about it, I couldn’t wait.

Being a Dallasite, what I enjoy about this book is trying to figure out Kim Gatlin’s code and what the real names of things and places are supposed to be.  That is also what I enjoyed about the pilot, the fact that it was filmed here in Dallas.  I’m disappointed they moved filming back to California, even if it was to be expected.  Would have been fun if more filming in Dallas had taken place.

While I’m sure that there are people in real life like Carlene and Cricket, I have a hard time believing these characters are real.  I’ve got to believe that their personalities are exaggerated for entertainment purposes in the tv show.  I haven’t gotten far enough in the book to know if Gatlin really portrays them this way in the book.

Normally I would probably skip on finishing this book since I am told that by watching the Pilot of GCB I already know what happens; but this year I am turning over a new leaf and finishing all the books I start!  Plus I need another book checked off for my reading challenge on Goodreads.   I went with a pretty low number, only 20 books and this will be number 7, so I just might fulfill the challenge.

My goal is to finish Good Christian Bitches this week and get started on my next book. My friend Misty (you can follow her at @MSFJones) keeps posting the daily Kindle book deals and I keep buying the books, so needless to say my Kindle shelves are getting full and I’m not keeping up.  I need to get on that!

My biggest hurdle for reading has been working on Creative Chaos.  I still need to get it up in the iBooks store and I’m almost finished getting it print ready.  Laying out a book for print actually takes a lot longer than one would guess.  But I’ve got to get that finished ASAP so I can have some printed by the end of the month for an event.

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Kate O. Lynch

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