I have the best sister-in-law anyone could ever ask for, Tiffany. This summer we spent 10 days together non-stop driving to North Carolina and back and still liked each other and better yet, still wanted to hang out with each other.
But rather than refer to Tiffany as my sister-in-law, I’m just going to call her my blonde sister to avoid any confusion with my sister Beth, who I equally adore!
I wanted to take a minute to brag on Tiffany and all of the amazing items she creates. If you or someone you know is having a baby you will want to be sure and check out her Etsy Shop: LoveLynch. Even if you don’t have a newborn, you’re in luck she’s got a variety of dresses, rompers and leggings that are available in sizes for older kids.
It was hard to pick out just a few favorite items because I think she’s got a great eye for colors and patterns but here goes:
I think this coloring book dress was pure GENIUS! Your child (or you!) can use the washable markers that come with the dress to give this dress any look. Then when you want to start all over again, just wash the dress and voila, a blank coloring book canvas!
Narrowing it down to just one between these two sunsuits or rompers was impossible, but really I love all of her combinations! I’m not a gold person but I am obsessed with the fabric she used on the right.
I don’t even a baby and I’m obsessed with leggings. Luckily I’ve finally stopped referring to them as tights, don’t know why that was stuck in my head. Tiffany has quite a variety of leggings in her Etsy shop with a some great new fabrics coming soon!
Last but not least, I had to include this adorable pineapple peasant top because it was one of my first collaborations with Tiffany for her Etsy shop. I designed that fabric for her! This kind of snowballed into other ideas we both had and how to make them realities. It’s so fun to be able to work with her on these projects and bring our talents together; KateOGroup and LoveLynch!
Not to brag on myself because this is a brag of LoveLynch! If you want to keep up with our collaborations join my mailing list and we will email you about new product releases and discounts. I promise not to spam your inbox but don’t want you to miss out on anything!
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This is too exciting! I want to buy just to stock up for when (and if) babies pop up in my future.