I am willing to admit that I had a not so normal high school experience. See, I went to a very small private school here in Dallas. There were 96 people in my graduating class. I started there in 1st grade so I had known most of the people in my class for the majority of my life when I headed off to college. And to be honest, I knew everyone in my class to some respect whether I wanted to or not.
While I most definitely wasn’t best friends with everyone in my class, I’m not that cool, but I was friends (more than acquaintances) with the majority of them. In fact when I got to college I had very mixed feelings. I was excited to meet new people, but then at the same time I felt like I had wandered off from the majority of my family, because I had known my classmates for so long.
It didn’t take me too long in college to get past those feeling and just enjoy things as they came. I made some really great friends in college and got to know some high school friends even better.
By the time the 5 year reunion rolled around I couldn’t help but think, “It’s about time!” Then I was glad for the 5 year break before the 10 year reunion. While I am sad I still haven’t seen some of my classmates since graduation, that doesn’t mean I don’t hope to see them at the 15 year reunion. That’s right, we reunite every 5 years. . .that’s what you get for going to such a small school I guess.
Luckily, thanks to the power of Facebook, I can now keep up with the majority of my class even without seeing them in person. Tonight was a fun exception. About a year ago we started trying to get together once a month. All of us in the Dallas area that were free we meet up and have dinner, catch up and reminisce. This time I decided to set the get together up on FaceBook and we had a few new people. It was so fun to see them and hear what they are up to; it makes me look forward to next month.
Tonight made me feel better that sometimes I wish I could go back and redo high school, because I am not alone in these feelings. I don’t think this because I did it wrong, but because I think I would appreciate it so much more. I know not all of the grades were the same as mine and not everyone’s experiences were the same as mine, but would you redo high school? If so, why, what would you change and what would you do the same?
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