Now that the DVR is at 20% I feel the freedom to do things other than watch TV during the evenings, and I figure it is time to get back to reading. The pile of books I want to read keeps growing and growing instead of getting smaller and smaller.
A few weeks ago while perusing the aisles at Barnes and Noble I decided to pick up the new Candace Bushnell book, One Fifth Avenue.
I have never read anything that Miss Bushnell has written before but I have enjoyed the television versions of her books, Sex and the City & Lipstick Jungle, so I thought what the heck why not give her a try.
I have only made it as far as chapter 2 and I haven’t really made up my mind about this book yet. What throws me off the most is that this book isn’t from one character’s perspective but seamlessly moves from one character’s thoughts to another. I am not giving up, I going to keep going and see how it progresses; hopefully it will liven up the further into it I get.
Maybe the reason I haven’t been lured into this story quite yet is because I can’t relate to the ridiculously wealthy New Yorkers who could even consider a 20 million dollar apartment as a future home. But I do find the characters’ names unusual and different: Schiffer Diamond and Mindy Gooch.
Books like this one really make me think, especially because I am going through the process of trying to get my book published. I just wonder what it was about Candace Bushnell’s original unpublished work that hooked her agent and eventually her publisher. Would this book have been enough to get her published? I don’t mean to belittle this novel, heck if anything I’m a bit jealous and just merely thinking out loud a little bit.
Today I have been spending a lot of time perusing, a website for authors, agents and publishers. Debating whether or not I have the courage to upload my book and let the other members of this site critique my work, scary! We’ll see. . .
we are often our harshest critics