Tonight we went and saw “A Chorus Line.” I have to admit that I was really excited when I learned this musical was just over 2 hours and with no intermission. I couldn’t help but think; thank goodness I won’t get home too late!
One of the things that I was impressed with was that there wasn’t really a “set” to detract from the story or the actors. The stage was literally a white line with a wall of mirrors that could also rotate to be hidden and create a blank black background (try to say that five times in a row as fast as you can).
This set up caused you to focus on the stories the actors were telling. There were two “life stories” that seemed to drag on longer than they should have and I lost interest, although that might have more to do with the Benadryl I took right before the musical since my “nut-free” dinner actually contained almonds.
But all in all, I really enjoyed this musical and was delighted to realize that I recognized not just “One” (ha ha, pun intended) song, but two.
Check it out if you get a chance I really think you’ll enjoy it. And if you are in Dallas it is playing through July 19th. You can find out more details on their website.
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