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Photo Friday 10

This week’s Instagram, photo a day challenge:

Mar 3rd – Day 63










Day 3 – Your Neighborhood

I ran by my Aunt and Uncle’s house today to help them with a small project, so I thought it’d be fun to take pictures of my childhood neighbor hood here in Dallas in the Lake Highlands area. The house on the bottom I don’t really remember, but it’s the first house I ever lived in. The house on top is the first house I remember living in.
Mar 4th – Day 64










Day 4 – bedside

My mom dropped off these flowers for me because she is so excited about Creative Chaos finally being published!

Mar 5th – Day 65










Day 5 – A Smile

I have not stopped smiling since Creative Chaos was released on Friday! I just can’t help myself!


Mar 6th – Day 66










Day 6 – 5 pm

At 5pm on a week the only thing I wanna is the front door as I leave for the day.


Mar 7th – Day 67










Day 7 – something you wore

Everyday I wear my Aggie Ring; if I don’t have it on my hand just feels funny. This day I also wore my new earrings from my very talented and amazing friend: Melissa Vest. You can check out more of her designs here.


Mar 8th – Day 68










Day 8 – window

This is the window in my bedroom that has been plain for way too long! I need to make some curtains for it and I’m dying to use fabric from Hable Textiles, have you checked them out? If not you should!


Mar 9th – Day 69










Day 9 – red

This red Kate Spade purse it the one I carry everyday! I was tempted by one of their amazing sample sales in the fall and haven’t been sad a single second!

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Kate O. Lynch

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