I am a little obsessed with making soup at home. But really hadn’t ventured far beyond the two recipes I’ve tried to so far. Thanks to Pinterest finding more recipes has been easy to do! I even created an “i heart soup” board. Go check it out!
It was on Pinterest that I stumbled upon this recipe from The Pioneer Woman. I was instantly intrigued and also a little freaked out…I was going to have to pull apart a chicken to get as much meat off the bones as possible!
The first time I made this soup was the weekend of the White Rock Marathon that my sister was running, so the house was a little busy. Plus I decided to put up my Christmas Tree that weekend with the help of my five year old nephew.
There are quite a few steps to this soup because there is quite a bit of chopping: a couple peppers, an onion and a jalapeno…chop chop chop! Once the soup was finished I couldn’t wait to taste it and it was amazing!
A few days later I learned that our Christmas Eve dinner was going to be sandwiches and soups for dinner so I immediately volunteered to cook this soup. What I learned from making it the first time was it makes A LOT of soup! But then I also learned that is freezes good, so that’s a definite plus. Remember I like that whole “pre-cooked” meal that all I have to do is defrost!
Needless to say, Christmas Eve this soup was a hit! So to my cousins, sis-in-law and anyone else…here is the recipe!
I figured there was no need for me to take too many photos because the Pioneer Woman did such a good job of that on her blog! Also I’m not writing out the recipe because it’s on her website (click recipe in the paragraph above to see it). The only alteration I made the second go-round was I added another 4 cups of broth, the pasta just seems to absorb it and I wanted to make sure it went far enough because there were a lot of us!
If you are a soup maker I definitely recommend this one; give it a try. Oh and if you can’t find a cut up fryer at your grocery store, get the butcher to up a whole chicken (or fryer) for you! I refused to cut it up myself at home; plus I don’t really have the greatest knives.
That soup *is* so good! And I’m totally digging the new look!