I am still amazed that President Obama’s speech/pitch of his $838 billion stimulus plan only took 9 minutes. I didn’t realize what time it was when I turned on the press conference and at 7:08 he was already wrapping up so that he could take questions from the reporters.
I also find it ironic that within a month of being president he has proposed an economic stimulus plan that is larger than President Bush’s plan and I am still not sure how that helped the economy.
I spent about 30 minutes trying to find the details of this plan and maybe I am not looking in the right places but I couldn’t find the proposal. So if you know where I can find it please send it my way. Although already this plan has had a negative effect because the Dow Jones plunged 382 points which is the most dramatic sell off in about 3 months.
Eventually there will be a website where we can track and see how this money is spent and that is: www.finacialstability.gov.
But to be completely honest I was just ticked off that his 9 minute speech messed up Monday night TV. Doesn’t the president realize that the Bachelor is on Monday nights? Unfortunately my DVR only recorded the first hour so I had to watch the second hour on the computer.
Now I am off to read the recap blog and Chris Harrison’s blog. Both are equally funny, you should check them out.
You can find a lot of information here: http://readthestimulus.org/
Now I just need to find someone to help me “get it”. LOL