To be fair, I really had no idea what to expect from Blog World, all I knew was I wanted to go. Luckily I knew someone else who also wanted to go, my friend Whitney (if you haven’t read her blog yet you totally should).
Thursday morning, the keynote speaker was Scott Stratten, he was awesome. I had seen him on Twitter and knew the Social Media Club of Dallas had had him as a guest not to long before Blog World. After hearing him talk I was bummed I hadn’t heard here; if his Unmarketing book tour comes to your town you definitely need to go hear him! He gives you a great outlook on social media. He stressed, that people do business with people they know. As simple as that may sound, to me he really highlighted the importance of interacting with others and with being yourself.
That afternoon we got to hear Mark Burnett. I was a Survivor fan before going out there, even though they didn’t pick my friend Joe to be on it. But after hearing him talk, I’m an even bigger fan of it now. Hearing the creator talk about his masterpiece gave me a better understanding of what he tries to accomplish with the show. His key point was that when he selects the cast he is choosing the “content” he is using to tell his story, and how important it is to choose the right content.
After the sessions wrapped up, Whitney and I made our way back to our hotel, but first stopped to pick up our complementary tickets to see the Lion King. Disney gave us our tickets, and let me say, they were probably the best tickets I’ve ever had. Even though I love musicals, I can’t afford the close seats and always watch from the balcony, needless to say this was a real treat. Thank you Disney!
A few years back I saw the Lion King here in Dallas, but we ran late and missed the first 10 minutes. I was impressed with the show the first time I saw it, but this time I was blown away. I think we were on the 8th row and being that close to the aisles as the animals entered was breath taking. The actors moved with such grace it was easy to believe they were the animals they were portraying. I am quite convinced I will never have the words to express how amazing this performance was.
Throughout the entire show Whitney and I had to fight the urge to sing along, pretty sure our neighbors would not have been too happy with us. The actress that played Rafikki did such a good job that she stole every scene she was in. It was so much fun! In an effort to keep this post from getting to long, I am going to end here but will post more about the rest of my time at Blog World.
Glad you had a fun time at BlogWorld Kate. It really was a blast this year and the attendance was amazing!
Speaking of shows, I highly recommend seeing The Beatles LOVE when you get the chance. Absolutely phenomenal show, words really can’t describe it.