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The Lucky One – Nicholas Sparks

I decided after finishing Stephen King’s 700 page book last week, that I’d give The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks a try.

Now, I should preface this “review” by saying that I’m not a die hard Sparks fan, though I have to give him props for basing most of his stories in North Carolina.  His stories are such a tease.  You read this great love story (and I find myself thinking several times throughout the book, “this was written by a man?”) and then a terrible tragedy interrupts the happiness.  While reading his books I find myself mad at Sparks in the end.  Which I suppose is just him doing his job as a writer and evoking emotion.

Of course, because this book is about to become a movie I wanted to go ahead and read it.  Plus I’m not gonna lie, picturing Zac Efron as I read didn’t really hurt.  See, the second cover is quite an improvement on the first one:

I really do enjoy Sparks’ writing style and his attention to detail.  Though this was only the second book of his that I have read.  The other one was Dear John (hello, Channing Tatum was on the cover).  Though I wasn’t a really fan of that story or rather the ending he wrote.

I don’t know about you but I typically expect a happy ending for books and to be honest movies as well.  I just expect the story to wrap up all nice and tidy and with everyone happy; even if that isn’t how life always works out.

But enough about that, this would be my favorite book of Sparks’ so far and props to you Mr. Sparks you didn’t give me much time to stay mad at you.  Thank you for that!

I am definitely looking forward to seeing the movie adaptation of The Lucky One and will most likely pick up another Nicholas Sparks book though I’m not sure when or which one.

On a side note, I’ve label this book as “Chicklit” but is it really, if it was written by a man?  Or is it just a romantic fiction?

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Kate O. Lynch

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