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wine o. wednesday #64

This week’s wine for Wine Wednesday was another purely asthetic pick.  I’ve seen this Petite Petite wine before but never tried. See isn’t it cute:

The Petite Petit is bold and full of flavor, but I didn’t love it. I find it ironic this wine is so big because it is 85% Petite Sirah and 15% Petite Verdot.  You would think as a combination of two “Petite” wines the flavor would be small or wimpy.

This wine needed lots of time to breath; we’re talking hours to really open up. We started drinking it as soon as we opened it and it wasn’t until I got towards the bottom of the glass that it became a bit more than just drinkable.

Typically I am Sirah fan and a Petite Verdot fan, so I am surprised that I didn’t particularly enjoy this wine. Now don’t get me wrong; this wine wasn’t terrible, it’s just a wine I’m anxious to drink again.

I was able to try the wine the next night because we didn’t finish the bottle.  It was a little better but oddly even though it seemed like it opened up the night before; the second night it seemed like the wine was back at square one.

Even though this wine wasn’t my taste, I am still a fan of the winery, Michael David.  I like their Zinfandel:

Michael David actually has quite an array of wines, and quite a few I’d like to try, I’ll just have to track them down here in Dallas.



Kate O. Lynch

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