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A Brief Visit to Munchkin Land

Tonight we went to see the musical The Wizard of Oz. . .it was really good and I definitely recommend going to see it. I have seen the movie several times and enjoyed it but never became a huge fan (unlike the one girl in our group whole claims to have watched it 400 times. . .that’s impressive!)

Although, I feel like a little warning is only fair, there will not just be a handful of children in the audience. . .but rather the audience will mainly be made up of kids, even babies. I couldn’t believe there was so much crying. What really amazed me was we didn’t get out of there until after 11:00 pm. . .I know it is summer time but seriously, isn’t this what matinees are for?

But back to the musical, the dog they had playing Toto was so stinking cute! I didn’t even think about Toto being a real dog. . .if I could have one trained like that I would take one in a heartbeat!

This musical moved along really fast and there wasn’t any time to get bored. . .this musical wasn’t really any shorter than normal but I couldn’t believe when the intermission arrived it just seemed happen so quickly. It also had a lot more dialogue than most musical’s with only 21 songs and a good portion of them were reprises or they were under two minutes.

Apparently if The Wizard of Oz is coming to your town your children can audition to be Munchkins, how cool is that! Check it out here.

Moral of the story, if you get the opportunity to “Follow the Yellow Brick Road” and spend a little time with Dorothy, the Tin Man, Scarecrow and the Lion, go for it!

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Kate O. Lynch

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