This is not your typical Wine Wednesday post here but I wanted to share with you my new favorite, and what I think is a must have wine accessory for the summer. Luckily it hasn’t gotten too hot here in Dallas yet, but I have still gotten some use out of my Corkcicle.
What I love most about the Corkcicle
beside how great it works is how was created. The Corkcicle is the creator Ben Hewitt came up with the idea on his own and then created the very first Corkcicle in his garage. Originally it only came in the cork color option but now it is available in blue, green, orange, pink, white and yellow. I went with blue.
Now you might be confused how this thing even works, I know I was confused until I got my hands on one. The Corkcicle works just like reusable ice packs you can toss in the cooler before a road trip. Stick it in the freezer and then when you are ready to serve your wine and want to keep it cool without having to store it in the refrigerator during the meal, just put the Corkcicle into the bottle. After you pour one glass of wine there will be plenty of room for the Corkcicle.
Once the bottle of wine is finished just rinse off the Corkcicle and put it back in the freezer so that it is ready for your next meal. I’ve never tried putting the Corkcicle into a room temperature wine so I’m not sure if that works. But if you are a wine lover or you know someone that is, a Corkcicle is a must this summer!
(Not sure where to buy a corkcicle? Then click on the top picture.)
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